Thursday, September 2, 2010

It's already September!

So it has been a million years since I have updated this blog and I have decided that I have too many blogs.  So I am wanting to merge a couple of them and I am not sure which ones yet. 
My kids started school last week and everyone seems to be happy so far :-)  It has been a tough year financially so it was miracle (and I am still not sure how it happened still ), that we were somehow able to get  school clothes, pay school fees (High School fees are outrageous!)and many more unexpected expenses that I took for granted in the past when were more well off financially.  I have decided that the Centerville D.I. is my new best friend! The selection there is much better than the D.I. selection here in Tooele.  And looking at my kids you would never know that most of there clothes are used.  If I am ever in a good financial situation again I will never go back to how I did things before.  So people up in Bountiful and Centerville!  Your wasteful habits are my gain :-)
We  have five chickens laying eggs now!  The Arcana's are not laying yet, but I imagine they will soon.  It has been nice to know that we don't have to rely on the store for eggs and that the eggs from our chickens are healthier and taste better!  And the icing on the cake is that they have become beloved pets too.  They are so tame now that they walk right up me and Danielle takes turns picking them each up and talks to them and gently puts them back down.  I think her contact with them has contributed the most to how tame they have become.
I don't know what it is about Fall, but it brings out the crafty side in me.  I am excited about some of the fun ideas I am working on and that we are going to be doing in my Wards Super Saturday.
right now I am working on making matching dish towels, apron, trivet and hot pads.  I also want to make a few other things that are in my brain that are just itching to come out!
The exciting news in my family is that my brother Russ (that we had all lost hope and given up on ever getting married) has finally found his true love and is getting married October 16th!  I am so happy for him and am excited to have Cami in our family!  I wish my Mom could be here to witness it. I know she would just love
I know I should post pics of all the latest activities, but I am not in the mood right now so maybe later.