Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Essay written by Amanda

I was looking through our documents and found this short story by Amanda.
 She wrote it for a class this last year when she was 11 years old.  I really like her descriptive words in this story.  I think I will encourage her to continue the story cause I want to know what happens next!

Ally's Rock
By Amanda Logan

Ally picked up the rock. It was a greenish blue rock with foamy looking markings.

She had been looking for bugs when the rock caught her eye.

It was smooth and cool in her hands. She wondered how a rock could be so beautiful.

Suddenly she heard a noise. A little scared she but the rock in her backpack and ran home.
There at home she reached into her backpack to retrieve the stone. She pulled back, whatever she had just touched was not the rock. She looked at her hand it was blue from cold. It's summer she thought but there is something in there that's really cold.

She got on her gloves and reached in she closed her eyes and pulled out the thing.
She opened her eyes. There staring at her with eyes the color of ice was a dragon.

She gasped. It was a white dragon with icy blue eyes. It had three blueish white horns on it's head and clear claws. It's wings were white and leathery and it's scales sparkled like snow with the sun shining on it.
“What am I going to do”, she thought. This is the best day of my life. But dragons are myths! If someone sees it then they'll take it away from me!

“Will you please stop calling me it? I'm a girl you know and just name me already.” Ally froze. The voice had come from the dragon. It was a nice clear voice that reminded Ally of frost on the grass.

“Did you just talk”, Ally asked. “Yes”, said the dragon. “And just like you I also don't know what to do. I have been in my egg for so long always trying to get out and I finally did.” “But I must keep you a secret I must. I just met you but I like you”, said Ally. “Good “, said the dragon grinning. “Because your stuck with me for life since  you found me.”

“Well”, said Ally. “I guess I better give you a name.”
She thought and thought. “I know”, she said. “Aria. It just seems to fit.” “Hmmmm Aria I like it said the dragon.” “Well then Aria it is”, said Ally.
And that is how the adventures of Ally and Aria began.